Punjabi actor and singer Gippy Grewal Announces Widow Colony Movie release date For 13 June 2022. This movie is written and directed by Sameep Kang. Produced by Gippy Grewal, co-produced by Bhana L.A and Vinod Aswal.
While sharing the movie poster Gippy Grewal Wrote 1984” ਜਿਸਨੇ ਸਾਡੇ ਸੁਹਾਗ ਤੇ ਖ਼ੁਆਬ ਦੋਵੇਂ ਖੋਹ ਲਏ Widow Colony In cinema’s 3rd June 2022 🙏. Also read – Snowman Punjabi Movie Announced For Releasing 2021
Widow Colony Movie Background Story
Even after more than three decades of 1984, the memories of that Sikh massacre are still fresh in everyone’s mind and will never fade away. However, over and over again, filmmakers try their best to portray the emotional, physical turmoil of the people during the riots in a different light.
This time, Gippy Grewal and Humble Motion Pictures are ready to tell the story from the perspective of those who left the widows of 1984 martyrs in their upcoming project ‘Widow Colony’. A colony in New Delhi’s Tilak Vihar commonly referred to as the ‘Widow’s Colony’, is a place where the government sheltered thousands of families affected by the 1984 Sikh genocide.