The movie trailer we all are waiting for Honsla Rakh it’s released now on prominent singer and actor Diljit Dosanjh YouTube Channel. Movie stars are in lead is Diljit Dosanjh, Sonam Bajwa, Shehnaaz Gill & Shinda Grewal. Each movie character has impressed with their role.
Honsla Rakh Movie trailer beings with Diljit and Shehnaaz scene where both characters are dating each other and a family sitting next to them. Their baby starts crying and Shenaza doesn’t like children.
Diljit and Shahnaz are playing the role of a romantic couple but Shahnaz seems to conceive it clear that she does not want babies, and Diljit agrees. Unfornelty, Shahnaz gets pregnant with Diljit Dosanjh. The story moves on when Shahnaz and Diljit get separated, and Shahnaz decides to assured that Diljit keeps custody of his child.
Interestingly, Diljit displays a single parent, and his upbringing journey is something that gives us a dose of laughter. From replacing diapers to taking responsibility of what’s good for the baby, Diljit prepares it all. But because he is still single and desires to get married, he appears Sonam Bajwa and falls in love with her. And here comes the real story, the trailer of which tells about the impact on Diljit and Sonam’s relationship, when Shahnaz enters Diljit’s life once again.
The whole turn point comes now where both Diljit Dosnjah wants to marry Sonam Bajwa but Shahnaz comes again after that Honsla Rakh title goes on with all songs.
In short, it’s packed with laughter and the Honsla Rakh movie will be released in Cinema on 15 OCT 2021. We wish team members the best of luck.
You can watch Honsla Rakh Trailer Below