PTC Punjabi brings a new platform for those who have a talent and a person can Win 10 Lakh Rupees. The show’s name is Hunar Punjab Da. You need to make your video which will be the maximum duration is 2:00 Minute.
If you have any talent which can impress people then you need to shoot your video and need to upload your video on PTC Play App. Or Either you can send your video to PTC Punjabi Team member. If they like your video then they will contact you and tell you what is next step to participate in this Platform. There are many Judges who watch the videos and give videos number.
What is eligibility to participate PTC Punjabi in Hunar Punjab Da 2020?
- The Person should be live in Punjab
- He/She must have the impressive talent to showcase to people
- Need valid documents to participate in this platform
Which types of videos I can make it?
There is no restriction on making any categories. The video should be related to Entertainment. If someone watches your video the person must say I really like your video you have such a Talent (Hunar Hai). This type of video will also impress to PTC team to select your video of the next round.
Some of the example are mentioned in videos so you can take an Idea of videos should you make it. Make sure the video you make it should be like “WOW”
Where should I upload or send videos?
- If you have made your video and you must download it to the PTC Play app and signup in the mobile app. Fill the all necessary which needs to be filled and Upload your video as soon as possible for you.
- Or you can send your video to Hunar Punjab Da this WhatsApp number 9599330258.
- The third method is you can tag your video to the PTC Punjabi Facebook page. The team will respond to your video when they liked your video
There are 2 main Judges who are giving a score to videos First one is Jaswinder Bhalla and the Second is Sara Gurpal. 3rd Hunar Punjab Da Judge Depends on PTC Team. Mostly they change every time 3rd Judge.
I hope you understand the where should you upload your Hunar Punjab da Video.
Is there any charges will be deducted when I upload my videos to PTC Play App?
There will be no charges will be deducted when you upload tour videos to PTC Play app. The signup is completely free.